Enjoy The Silence von der Ora Maritima BAER +/+, all teeth, lemon free, 59cm
Corvin vom Thomashof HD A, BAER +/+, lemon free, all teeth,60cm
Prince Club Belge du Dalmatien, CACIB, CAC, r.CAC |
ICh. Leander vom Gramzower Kloster HDA, BAER +/+, lemon free, all teeth, 60 cm
ICh. Perdita´s Inside Information HD-A , BAER +/+ ,all teeth
ICh. Franca Futures vom Gramzower Kloster HD B, BAER +/+, all teeth
Elishia v. Forst Eichenhorst HD: A, BAER +/+, all teeth
Ch. Perdita´s Just in Time HD A1, BAER +/+, all teeth
Ch. Perdita´s Happy Happening HD A, BAER +/+, all teeth
Xabea von den Beverstedter Muhlen HD A, BAER +/+, all teeth, lemon free
CAC VDH + Club r. JUN CAC VDH + Club |
ICh. Starlong Silver Shadow BAER +/+, all teeth, HD A, 61 cm
C.I.B. JCh De, Ch Pl, SK, NL, Lux, VDH + DDC |
Ch.Tommy Brock
ICh. Starlong Sweet Symphonie
Ch. Polly Perkins de Puech Barrayre HD A, BAER +/+
ICh. Salsusa Startrekker of Theakston HD-A, BAER +/+, all teeth
ICh. Jemblewood Jezabel
GCh. Daughter de la Queen Dalmadami "Daggi" BAER +/+, all teeth, 55,5cm
CZ GCh, CZ Ch, CZ Club Ch, CZ Club JCh, CZ JCh
National Winner CZ 2010 + 2011 Speciality Club Winner 2010 + 2011, Club winner 2012 etc.
ICh. Chainie's Secret by Raul BAER +/+, all teeth, 62,5cm
ICh, CZ SK A PL Ch CZ Club Ch, CZ Club JCh CZ SK JCh
Ch. Olbero Olympic Playa HD B, BAER +/+, all teeth, 60,5cm
Ch. Doctor Fox by Salsusa
3x BOB at Cruft's
Ch. Olbero Riverdore Just a Dream
JCh. T-Cart Made by Love BAER +/+
BOB, 2x CACIB res. CACIB, 6x CAC
ICh. Knight of Gold at Theakston HD-A, miss 2 x P4
World Winner Int-Nord-Dk-Lux Ch |
Ch. T-Cart Irish Coffee Int-Nord-S-Dk Ch |
ICh. Emily Brown Raul BAER +/+, all teeth, 54 cm
World Winner 2003 European Winner 2003 Midle-East European Winner 2003
ICh, CZ Ch, CZ Club Ch, CZ Club JCh |
ICh. Spotnik's Special Selection BAER +/+, HD B, all teeth
World Winner 2002 European Winner 2003 Cruft Winner 2002 + BOB C.I.B, Ch Be, NL, N, Lux, GB, D, F, Slo, Nordic CH. etc.
Ch. Spotnik's Quick Quackery HD-A, BAER +/+, all teeth
Ch. Spotnik's Milkmaid HD-A, all teeth
ICh. Social Souchong of Dalbury's Clan BAER +/+, all teeth
Ch. Timanka's Almost a Clown HD-TC
European Junior Winner 95
Dainty Djeany of Dalbury's Clan HD-TC